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Star Wars Toy Collector

More Acolyte Figures arrive!

The Acolyte Figures Continue to Arrive! 


It’s been about a month and a half since I picked up the first two in-store. My other pre-orders came before the expected October date. I half expected them to ship much sooner, given that they hit Walmart and GameStop shelves in July. But a lot happened since our last review of the Acolyte figures. The show was reportedly canceled, although no official statement has been released. What this means for future Acolyte figures remains to be seen. 


Just as figures, apart from what happens to their characters, Yord Fodar and Master Indara are great figures. They both capture the faces of the actors very well. They continue to show how Black Series is improving technology. 

Master Indara’s simple Jedi robes are decently detailed with just enough paint apps to make the details pop. She does come with a reddish brown outer robe, which matches her boots and sets her apart from the other Jedi of the line. She does not have a thigh swivel but does have a swivel at the calf. 


Yord is another great figure. In the initial photos, it looked like his neck was too tall for the figure. I’m not sure if it was correct or if it doesn’t appear to be that tall in person. We have seen “running changes” before in Black Series, so I would not be surprised. His legs are similar to Master Sol’s, but I don’t think they are the same. He is shorter/slimmer than Master Sol. Again the detail on these figures is pretty good. His forearm armor is different from Master Sol’s and I’ve included a comparison pic below!

Overall these these are some great Jedi figures. I’ve really enjoyed the High Republic Era books and comics. If you engage the books I highly recommend the audiobook versions. It’s disappointing that overall the Acolyte show didn’t do this era justice and that so many fans dismissed the series from the beginning. As these figures eventually will go on big sales, I’ll pick up a few extras for custom figures. 


For Light and Life!


Get yours here:

Yord: https://amzn.to/3XPw3XE

Indara: https://amzn.to/4diqMfM

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